Signs of Aging in Elder Loved Ones

recognizing signs of aging

As featured in PrimeTime from the Warwick Beacon

Signs of Aging: Tis the season when families come together frequently to attend parties and celebrations through the new year. It’s important to take advantage of this opportunity to recognizing signs of aging in our elderly loved ones.

It’s normal for loved ones to experience some changes as they age, and early intervention can make a huge difference, improving their quality of life, preventing further decline, and giving families peace of mind. Seeking professional help early could reduce the risk of serious health issues down the road.

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Look for these indicators:

Signs of Aging: Changes in Behavior

Is your loved one acting differently? Do they seem confused at times? Maybe they’re agitated by simple questions or requests. Perhaps they’re acting more distant or aloof. Pay attention to any mood changes while you spend time together over the holidays.

Any of these symptoms may indicate underlying concerns, from memory loss to issues with their physical health. It may be time to check in with a healthcare professional for an assessment.

Signs of Aging: Differences in Appearance

Does your loved one seem to be paying less attention to their clothing or hygiene? Have you noticed changes in weight or grooming?

They may be facing challenges due to mobility limitations, cognitive challenges, or depression. If a decline in these areas continues, it may indicate that assistance is needed.

Lack of Organization in the Home

Are there stacks of unopened mail or piles of papers spread around your loved one’s home? Is there clutter or a lack of basic upkeep around the house?

They may be overwhelmed by the tasks needed to maintain their living environment. Rather than let the situation worsen, help find ways to manage these everyday duties.

Medication Mismanagement

Taking medications consistently can be a challenge for any of us, but it is even more critical for seniors and older adults. It’s important to pay attention to whether they’re taking the right dose on the prescribed schedule.

While you spend time with elder loved ones this holiday, be on the lookout for expired medications or mismatched pill counts and ask them about their routine and whether they are comfortable with the process.

Seeking Help

If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to seek assistance. Contact a Care Navigator at Saint Elizabeth Community. They’ll listen to your concerns and help point you in the right direction so that you and your loved one access the services you need. A Care Navigator can connect you with local healthcare providers and offer resources for home care or mental health support.

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Hugh Minor Director of Communications and Marketing
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