Police Honored for Fighting Elder Abuse

Haven for Elder Justice Awards Warwick Police for Work on “Grandparents Scam”

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day event recognizes collaborative effort to address elder abuse.

During the past year, the Haven for Elder Justice, in collaboration with the Warwick Police Department, the Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General and other community partners, prevented a “grandparents scam” resulting in the arrest of two men who attempted to obtain money from an older couple under false pretenses.

On Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Saint Elizabeth Community’s Haven for Elder Justice recognized the individuals who kept these victims safe at a breakfast event at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick.

Last year, the Haven for Elder Justice served 56 elder abuse victims. Of these, 20 elders received shelter through the program, having to leave their homes to protect their safety.

“The Haven for Elder Justice plays a critical role in advocating for our elder loved ones,” said Saint Elizabeth Community President & CEO Matt Trimble. “We cannot thank our community partners enough for their commitment and dedication to preventing elder abuse.”

Awards were presented to:

• Lt. Christopher Lo, Warwick Police Department
• Detective Frank Montanaro, Warwick Police Department
• Detective Hovsep Sarkisian, Warwick Police Department
Presented by Colonel Bradford Connor, Chief of Police, Warwick

• Lorie Chavez, Project Coordinator, Office of the Attorney General
Presented by Mickaela Driscoll, Investigator, Elder Abuse Unit, Office of the Attorney General

Guest Speakers included:
• Sabina Matos, Lieutenant Governor, State of Rhode Island
• Peter Neronha, Attorney General, State of Rhode Island
• Maria Cimini, Director, Office of Healthy Aging, State of Rhode Island
• Matt Trimble, CEO & President, Saint Elizabeth Community
• Jeanne Gattegno, Program Director, SEC Haven for Elder Justice

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