Adult Day Programs for Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s

Featured in PrimeTime.

The long-term effects of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as other related disorders, can have a devastating impact on individuals and families.

Actively engaging seniors in fulfilling activities can help slow the onset and progression of both conditions. That’s the goal of day programs designed to help older adults both before their diagnosis and once they’re in the early stages of either disease.

“Research shows that early intervention can help slow the progression of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. By participating in adult day programs, seniors are engaged physically, mentally and socially in ways that combat the development of these disorders.”

– Jessica Gosselin, Director of Adult Day Programs for Saint Elizabeth Community

At the Memory Care Center in Warwick Neck, staff work with participants to focus on developing skills that allow individuals to remain independent for as long as possible. Activities stimulate the brain and enhance memory often through the arts and other creative outlets.

On the other side of town, at the Adult Day Center in Apponaug, the Saint Elizabeth team take a similar approach for seniors with Parkinson’s Disease and related issues. Participants join in exercise classes that focus on balance and fall prevention while building strength and endurance.

As Linda Sinnott, Program Director at the Saint Elizabeth Memory Care Center clarified, “Programs focus on what a person CAN do, not what they can’t do, and that empowers them to do more.”

They also receive the attention of onsite nurses and caregivers who monitor and note any changes in their behavior. That approach allows staff to adapt each individual’s care plan to meet their current needs.

Adult Day Centers provide transportation to and from the site and, of course, nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day. Through a partnership with CareLink, they offer a range of physical and occupational therapy options when prescribed by a physician.

For caregivers of seniors living with these diseases, there are support groups open to everyone, even if they’re not enrolled in the adult day program.

“It’s an opportunity for family members from the community to come together and share their own experiences and provide encouragement,” said Gosselin. “Our facilitators work with participants to find solutions to the challenges they’re facing every day.”

PrimeTime February 2024…


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